"I hope my reputation and character have a lot in common." EMichele Paul



On the other side of obstacles
Just passed insecurities
Beyond failures
Up the road from despair
Is a place called Paradise.

I know the roads to get there
Are sometimes long and confusing
But if you’d let me,
I’d gladly take this journey with you.

Sometimes we may get lost on these roads

But in losing our way
we often find ourselves.

If you let me,
I’d love to be there when you get to that place.
When you meet the person you are destined to become.
I’m sure it will be an unforgettable introduction.

You’ve obviously been guided down these roads for a purpose
Other roads may be easier
But they will not lead you to your destiny.
So accept each road as a gift.

When you get weary and you feel like you are breaking down
Don’t worry because you have roadside assistance
Better than AAA (God)
And me as an emergency kit.
You’re in good hands!

My Prayer

Today I give my life to you.
No longer do I wish to bare the burdens
that are not mine.
I ask that you show me your will,
make clear your desire of me.
I pray that I am made whole
through my works for you.
I pray that I live up to your favor
and that I do things in your time.

This is my prayer.
I no longer seek acceptance from the world.
Let my actions speak just as loud as my words.
Let my words be just as pure as my heart.
Let my heart be just as open
as your arms were the day
you gave your son
so that I may have life.
Let my life and my poetry be a living testimony
of my love for you.